Customised, actionable solutions that make you successful

We work with you as your co-pilot to navigate through the complex technology landscape, finding a way to safely land your project on the market.


What AI cannot do for you

Artificial Intelligence can not do everything. When it comes to out of the box combination of not obviously linked topics, the human brain is the decisive element, especially as everybody starts using AI.

Consulting hours / year




AI Applications


Ihr Experte

Fabien Palazzoli
PdD, Member of the Management Team

+41 32 720 xx xx


You don't have the necessary time to do everything yourself,
but there is high pressure to get things done fast and safe?

Below is the list of areas where we can reinforce your team to get things done in time and in quality
IP Tool Evaluation

The number of IP search & analytic tool providers have been increasing year by year and it can be daunting to stay on top. SCBT is using various tools themselves and constantly testing and evaluating new providers. If you are in seeking to evaluate a IP search tool, we can help to choose the right provider that fits your specific needs. The advantage of this service compared to direct engagement with the tool providers is that we have no sales interest. We test in a neutral way according to your requirements and provide you with the best recommendation that will fit your needs.

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Intangible Asset Auditing

An intangible asset audit will unlock the value within your company. When you commission us to carry out the intangible asset audit, we will:

  • highlight all the intellectual property and intangible assets in your business
  • inform you about each type of asset involved
  • provide tailored recommendations about each type as asset
  • formulate an IP Strategy action plan for the coming 12-24 months

and provide you with all of the above in a detailed written report.

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On Demand – On-Call Consulting

As a valued client, we are available to assist and advise you on IP issues affecting your business. You can book in advance a designated set of hours and obtain a dedicated expert engineer / patent specialist that will be of service when needed.

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Market Exploration

Our market exploration service is regularly used from businesses that require intelligence in knowing their market, e.g. in terms of application, technologies, competition, suppliers or geographically.

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Supplier Sourcing

Supplier sourcing involves activities around identifying and evaluating potential suppliers as well as selecting and engaging with a suitable supplier that offers the best value both in terms of product and cost.

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Due Dilligence

If you need to analyze and mitigate the potential risk from a business or investment decision we conduct due diligence and background checks on your suppliers, cooperation and business partners.

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Technology Assessment

We determine the value and opportunity of a new or emerging technologies and support decision makers with timely strategic intelligence and thorough technology assessment.

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Innovation Landscaping

Innovation Landscaping provides you with a deeper understanding of the overall technical landscape in which you and your peers operate. The innovation landscape analysis will support you to identify:

  • Who are the main companies in your field?
  • In which industries and areas of application are your competitors operating?
  • Where and for which application can your innovation be applied?
  • Which approaches are competitors using to solve key technical problems?
  • What are the geographic regions of most interest to your innovation?
  • Who are the most suitable potential development partners or licensees for my technology?

Interested? Let us talk!

Licensing & Transaction Solutions

We support research institutes and university technology transfer departments in various ways. Our main focus is helping you understand the reality of both the patent landscape in a technical domain, as well as the commercial potential for your innovation. We support you in finding companies that might be interested in licensing your technology or help you to transfer your technology to interested parties.

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White Space / Foresight Analysis

The white space & foresight analysis is intended to identify a niche for itself, respectively a gap in the market that has not yet been filled. Many companies operate in highly competitive technology sectors, with significant amounts of players. While these sectors often represent large and potentially lucrative markets, they also contain large, established companies with strong IP portfolios. By identifying such a gap your business can not only develop a product or service to fill such an identified market need but also develop suitable IP to help protect your new position.

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Competitive & Market Intelligence

We investigate for your technical field the relevant application areas and identify the main players already active, as well as new market entries who may represent potential development partners or licensees for your business. Depending on your information requirements we X-ray your competition very detailed that will allow you to effectively build a strategy for gaining a share of that market and implement counter measures to protect your business.

Interested? Let us talk!

Mergers & Acquisitions Support

Our M&A services can be dedicated to both the buy or sell side of a business and are often being used from corporate companies, investment companies, family offices and hedge funds. We support and ensure you will obtain full understanding of the intangible assets involved in any M&A transaction. Our experts provide you with a clear due diligence regarding the status of the IP that involves the desired transaction.

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By partnering with us, you will obtain tailored solutions dedicated to your specific information needs.

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Opening Hours: Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm

Contact Form

Fill out the form and arrange a free initial consultation. There we analyze your current situation and give you an assessment of which solution is most worthwhile for you.